The Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy (ESCOP) is the representative governing body of the Experiment Station Section (ESS), a unit of the APLU Commission on Food, Environment, and Renewable Resources (CFERR), Board on Agriculture Assembly (BAA). ESCOP handles continuing business, organization, and policy issues on behalf of the state agricultural experiment station directors and administrators. The ESCOP also provides liaison representatives to a variety of other committees, agencies, associations, and organizations. These representatives are appointed by the Chair of ESCOP after consultation with the Executive Committee.
Each 1862 agricultural experiment station director and 1890 research director participates in a regional association: Northeastern Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors (NERA), the official representative body of the agricultural experiment station directors in the Northeast Region; North Central Regional Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors (NCRA), the official representative body of the agricultural experiment station directors in the North Central Region; Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors (SAAESD), the official representative body of the agricultural experiment station directors in the Southern Region; Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors (WAAESD), the official representative body of the agricultural experiment station directors in the Western Region; and Association of Research Directors (ARD), the official representative body of the agricultural research administrators of the 1890 Land-grant institutions. All regional associations are affiliated with APLU through the Experiment Station Section and are represented on ESCOP, but are fundamentally independent organizations.
- Memo: Revision of the agInnovation RULES OF OPERATION
- Proposed agInnovation Rules of Operation (shared 1/15/2025)
- Experiment Station Section Rules of Operation (Amended March 8, 2023)
- 2025 agInnovation Chair’s Priorities and Initiatives
- 2024 agInnovation Chair’s Priorities and Initiatives
- 2023 agInnovation Chair’s Priorities and Initiatives
- 2022 ESS Chair’s Priorities and Initiatives
- 2021 ESS Chair’s Priorities and Initiatives
- 2023 Excellence in Research Call for Nominations
- 2023 Excellence in Leadership Call for Nominations
- agInnovation Branding Initiative Presentation, 03/08/2023
- Example of Successful Multistate Research Award Nomination (2022)
- Approved CY 2023 ESS Budget and Explanation
- Agriculture National Graduate Institutional Name Exchange (AG-NGINE) presentation, 9/25/2022
- Regional Rural Development Centers 50th Anniversary Proclamation
- ESS Climate Change Strategies
- ESCOP Listserv Addresses (@escop.info)
Name | Position | Affiliation | |
Steve Lommel | agInnovation Chair | SAAESD | slommel@ncsu.edu |
Chandra Reddy | agInnovation Incoming Chair, Regional Chair | ARD | creddy@tnstate.edu |
George Smith | agInnovation Past Chair | agInnovation North Central | smithge7@msu.edu |
Ernie Minton | Chair PBD | AHS | eminton@ksu.edu |
Mike Boehm | Chair BAC | AHS | mboehm3@unl.edu |
Rich Bonanno | Chair CLP | AHS | abonann@ncsu.edu |
Steve Lommel | Chair BLC, NRSP-RC | SAAESD | slommel@ncsu.edu |
Nancy Cox | Chair CMC | AHS | nancy.cox@uky.edu |
TBD | Chair NPGCC | ||
Mark McGuire | Regional Past Chair | WAAESD | mmcguire@uidaho.edu |
Nathan Slaton | Chair STC | SAAESD | nslaton@uark.edu |
Shibu Jose | Regional Chair, agInnovation PBD Representative | agInnovation North Central | joses@missouri.edu |
John Blanton | agInnovation ECOP Representative | agInnovation North Central | john.blanton@sdstate.edu |
Vernon Jones | Regional Past Chair | ARD | vjones@langston.edu |
Anton Bekkerman | Regional Past Chair | NERA | Anton.Bekkerman@unh.edu |
Chris Davies | Regional Past Chair | WAAESD | chris.davies@usu.edu |
Paula Agudelo | Regional Past Chair | SAAESD | pagudel@clemson.edu |
Gary Pierzynski | Regional Past Chair | agInnovation North Central | pierzynski.3@osu.edu |
Wendie Cohick | Regional Chair | NERA | cohickn@njaes.rutgers.edu |
Hongwei Xin | Regional Chair | SAAESD | hxin2@tennessee.edu |
Sreekala Bajwa | Regional Chair, agInnovation PBD Representative (alternate) | WAAESD | agdean@montana.edu |
Hongwei Xin | Regional Incoming Chair | SAAESD | hxin2@tennessee.edu |
Louis Whitesides | Regional Incoming Chair | ARD | lwhitesides@scsu.edu |
Jason Hubbart | Regional Incoming Chair | NERA | Jason.Hubbart@mail.wvu.edu |
Scott Senseman | Regional Incoming Chair | SAAESD | Scott.senseman@okstate.edu |
Shawn Donkin | Regional Incoming Chair | WAAESD | donkins@oregonstate.edu |
Derek McLean | Regional Incoming Chair | agInnovation North Central | derek.mclean@unl.edu |
Bill Hoffman | Liaison / Executive Director | ECOP | whoffman@aplu.org |
Vonda Richardson | Liaison | ECOP | vonda.richardson@famu.edu |
Nina Lilja | Liaison | ICOP | nlilja@ksu.edu |
James Thompson | Liaison | BVM | jthompson@utk.edu |
Laura Jolly | Liaison | BHS | ljolly@iastate.edu |
Suzette Robinson | Liaison | APLU | srobinson@aplu.org |
Katie Frazier | Liaison | CARET | kfrazier@fcvirginias.com |
VACANT | Liaison | CRPGE | |
Kevin Kephart | Liaison | NIFA | Kevin.Kephart@usda.gov |
VACANT | Liaison | ARS | |
Gary Thompson | Executive Director, Ex-officio | SAAESD | gat009@uark.edu |
Cindy Morley | Coordinator / Program Manager, Ex-officio | SAAESD | cmorley@uark.edu |
Bret Hess | Executive Director, Ex-officio | WAAESD | bhess@unr.edu |
Jennifer Horton | Administrative Management, Ex-officio | WAAESD | jennifer.tippetts@waaesd.org |
Rick Rhodes | Executive Director, Ex-officio | NERA | rcrhodes@uri.edu |
Dave Leibovitz | Coordinator, Ex-officio | NERA | david_leibovitz@uri.edu |
Alton Thompson | Executive Director, Ex-officio | ARD | athompson1@ncat.edu |
Lisa Williamson | Executive Assistant | ARD | lmwilliamson1@ncat.edu |
Jeanette Thurston | Executive Director, Ex-officio | agInnovation North Central | jthurston@ksu.edu |
Christina Hamilton | Assistant Director, Ex-officio | agInnovation North Central | Christina.hamilton@wisc.edu |
Doug Steele | Liaison, Ex-officio | APLU | dsteele@aplu.org |