The Social Sciences Subcommittee (SSSC) shall function as a subcommittee of the ESCOP Science and Technology Committee. SSSC will make recommendation for specific actions to help the Land-grant system address high priority research and education issues leading to outcomes that deal with social issues in a significant, measurable way and that will generate sustained financial support.
The SSSC email listserv is: sssc@escop.info
Upcoming Events
No Upcoming Meetings
Name | Committee Position | Affiliation | |
Tracy Rutherford | Past Chair | Agricultural Communication | trutherford@vt.edu |
Kristina Hains | Chair | Agricultural Leadership | k.hains@uky.edu |
Kevan Lamm | Incoming Chair | Agricultural Leadership | kl@uga.edu |
Nathan Slaton | Chair STC | SAAESD | nslaton@uark.edu |
Nina Lyon-Bennett | 1890 ARD Member | Human Sciences | bennettn@uapb.edu |
Dreamal Worthen | 1890 ARD Member | Rural Sociology | dreamal.worthen@famu.edu |
James Bukenya | 1890 ARD Member | Agricultural Economics | james.bukenya@aamu.edu |
Terrence Thomas | 1890 ARD Member | Agricultural Economics | twthomas@ncat.edu |
Emily Buck | NC Member | Agricultural Communication | buck.210@osu.edu |
Mike Retallick | NC Member | Agricultural Education | msr@iastate.edu |
Corinne Valdivia | NC Member and STC Rep | Agricultural Economics | valdiviac@missouri.edu |
Daniel Tobin | NE Member | Rural Sociology | Daniel.Tobin@uvm.edu |
Brian Myers | S Member | Agricultural Education | bmyers@ufl.edu |
Shannon Norris-Parrish | S Member (Moving to TAMU) | Agricultural Communications | norriss@nmsu.edu |
Erica Irlbeck | W Member | Agricultural Communication | erica.irlbeck@ttu.edu |
Becki Lawver | W Member | Agricultural Education | rebecca.lawver@usu.edu |
Matt Fannin | At Large Member | Agricultural Economics | mfannin@agcenter.lsu.edu |
Curtis Friedel | At Large Member | Agricultural Leadership | cfriedel@vt.edu |
Don Albrecht | Liaison | Rural Sociology- WRRDC | don.albrecht@usu.edu |
Bryan Hains | At Large Member | Human Sciences | bryan.hains@uky.edu |
Neil Knobloch | At Large Member | Agricultural Education | nknobloc@purdue.edu |
Stephan Goetz | Liaison | Agricultural Economics- NERDC | sgoetz@psu.edu |
John Green | Liaison | Rural Sociology- WRRDC | john.green@msstate.edu |
Maria Marshall | Liaison | Agricultural Economics- NCRCRD | mimarsha@purdue.edu |
Laura Jolly | Liaison | Board on Human Science | ljolly@iastate.edu |
Martha Ray Sartor | Liaison | NIFA | Martha.Sartor@usda.gov |
Gal Hochman | Ex-officio | Council on Food, Agricultural & Resource Economics (C-FARE) | gal.hochman@rutgers.edu |
Martha King | Ex-officio | Farm Foundation | martha@farmfoundation.org |
Julia Milton | Ex-officio | Consortium of Social Science Associations | jmilton@cossa.org |
Lowell Randall | Ex-officio | Agricultural & Applied Economics Association | lrandel@gcca.org |
Jocelyn Richgels | Ex-officio | Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) | jrichgels@rupri.org |
Laura Wood Peterson | Ex-officio | National C-FAR | laura@ncfar.org |
Jeanette Thurston | Co-Executive Vice Chair | agInnovation/agInnovation NC | jthurston@ksu.edu |
Christina Hamilton | Assistant Executive Vice Chair | agInnovation/agInnovation NC | chamilton@wisc.edu |