
The ESCOP Executive Committee (EC) is charged to assist the chair on actions needed between regular meetings of ESCOP, including, but not limited to handling the continuing business of ESCOP and ESS; attending to all organization and policy matters with APLU, agencies of the federal government, farm (commodity and agribusiness) organizations and groups; assessing the goals and purposes of the organization on a continuing basis; recommending changes in the structure and organization of ESCOP to meet society’s needs and the needs of the section; assuring that appropriate lines of communication are identified and effectively implemented and maintained; identifying expertise among stakeholders and within the section for possible service in various roles (e.g., advisory groups).

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NameCommittee PositionAffiliationEmail
George SmithESCOP Chair
Steve LommelESCOP Incoming Chair
Matt WilsonESCOP Past Chair
Gary ThompsonExecutive Director, Ex-officioSAAESDgat009@uark.edu
Cindy MorleyCoordinator / Program Manager, Ex-officioSAAESDcmorley@uark.edu
Anton BekkermanChair BLC
Nancy CoxChair CMC AHSnancy.cox@uky.edu
Bob StougaardChair NPGCCSAAESDbob.stougaard@uga.edu
Mark McGuireChair NRSP RC, ESS PBD RepWAAESDmmcguire@uidaho.edu
Nathan SlatonChair STCSAAESDnslaton@uark.edu
Chandra ReddyRegional Past Chair
Hector SantiagoRegional Past ChairNCRAhsantiago@unl.edu
Matt WilsonRegional Past ChairNERAmwilso25@wvu.edu
Paula AgudeloRegional Past ChairSAAESDpagudel@clemson.edu
Chris DaviesRegional Past ChairWAAESDchris.davies@usu.edu
Katie FrazierLiaison
Kevin KephartLiaisonNIFAKevin.Kephart@usda.gov
Jeanette ThurstonExecutive Vice-Chair, Ex-officioNCRAjthurston@ksu.edu
Chris Hamilton
Assistant Director, Ex-officioNCRAchristina.hamilton@wisc.edu
Alton Thompson
Executive Director, Ex-officioARDathompson1@ncat.edu
Lisa WilliamsonExecutive AssistantARDlmwilliamson1@ncat.edu
Bret HessExecutive Director, Ex-officioWAAESDbhess@unr.edu
Jennifer HortonAdministrative Management, Ex-officioWAAESDjennifer.tippetts@waaesd.org
Rick RhodesExecutive Director, Ex-officioNERArcrhodes@uri.edu
David LeibovitzCoordinator, Ex-officioNERAdavid_leibovitz@uri.edu
Doug Steele
Liaison, Ex-officioAPLU